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From the very first day of Kingdom Come Training’s class the value of face-to-face meetings is discussed. Speaking in churches can be of great value but face-to-face adds a dynamic that is only possible by sitting across from a person. It is personal experiences with personal responses.

Our reasoning is simple, we model what Jesus did.

Everyday Jesus ministered to the multitudes. But He also prioritized face-to-face time when speaking into the lives of individuals, ultimately changing each life for eternity.

I can be fairly certain that John ‘The Beloved’ received his nickname after countless face-to-face encounters with Jesus.

Zacchaeus was called out of his spot in a tree as he watched Jesus from a distance. Jesus asked two things of Zacchaeus. He asked for him to come down, then for an invitation to spend time face-to-face over a shared meal.

Let’s also consider Jesus and the Samaritan woman. Jesus chose to speak to her face-to-face as she drew water from the well. His words to her were important, but imagine the effect as Jesus looked directly at her and spoke directly into her life? His words were truth. His eyes were love. The results of that life-changing encounter were both immediate and eternal.

When I get to heaven my greatest desire is to look directly into the eyes of my Savior as He speaks to me, face-to-face.

His eyes will tell me every thing I long to hear Him speak to me, telling me that I am totally and completely loved!

What I’m certain I don’t want is a refusal to gain access to the person of Jesus. I don’t want to miss seeing Him, walking with Him, and talking with Him face-to-face, one-on-one, just Jesus and me.

I took great joy in listening to so many stories as Jerry Long, founder of Kingdom Come Training and my late husband, shared his life before he went home to be with Jesus. Those stories let me know his thoughts, his desires, his goals, and his greatest longing of all, to have a personal, face-to-face conversation with Jesus and hear Him say, “Well done Jerry, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things; I will set you over many things. Enter into the joy of the Lord.”

When raising ‘financial support’ begins to move from the ATM machine mentality focused primarily on ‘our need’ and moves toward relationships that allow face-to-face conversations, with the result of eternal rewards promised by God Himself, underfunding will cease to exist.


Author aa6348

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